
Loren Ogawa - Ooigirl Essay

Loren Ogawa is from Gunma-ken and is 19 years old, dreams big but has his feet on the ground. Romantic and full of ideals, one day he still changes the world.

Text: Ooizine guide

Photos: Personal Archive

It has the face of poetry

beauty that radiates

smile that is contagious

look that enchants

It's pure love!

Bring God in the heart

It shows in the attitudes

Donate, if you donate, help.

It's beautiful, smooth.



Author: Leonia Teixeira


running sheet

Loren Mayumi Matsura Ogawa

19 years


Natural of
Presidente Prudente, Sao Paulo

Live in

things you like to do
I love to play ball and sing all the time!

hobbies and activities
Singing, playing ball, hanging out with my friends and going to church

What do you do in your spare time?
I study and go out with my family

One day still go
I would like to finish my university degree in Arts and teach in Africa, for those who do not have conditions

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