
Galaxy Auto House


General company information

Company type

car shop

Customer service and services

Buying and selling cars • Documentation

company description

The company Galaxy Auto House is located in the city of [Oizumi] in [Gunma-ken]. Galaxy Auto House provides services for buying and selling cars and documentation in general.

opening hours

Monday: 09:00h ~ 19:00h
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 09:00h ~ 19:00h
Thursday: 09:00h ~ 19:00h
Friday: 09:00h ~ 19:00h
Saturday: 09:00h ~ 19:00h
Sunday: 09:00 am to 19:00 pm

Company contacts and location


Not included

company facebook


Gunma-ken Oura-gun Oizumi-machi Nishikoizumi 1-21-24

Contact numbers


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