
tropical path


General company information

Company type

Restaurant and snack bar

Customer service and services

Brazilian food, snacks, snacks and drinks

company description

Brazilian food restaurant offering the best Prato Feito in the Isesaki region, as well as snacks, snacks and pastries. Delivery of bentos to factories and homes in nearby regions.

opening hours

Monday: 11:00h ~ 21:00h
Tuesday: 11:00h ~ 21:00h
Wednesday: 11:00h ~ 21:00h
Thursday: 11:00h ~ 21:00h
Friday: 11:00h ~ 21:00h
Saturday: 11:00h ~ 21:00h
Sunday: 11:00 am to 21:00 pm

Company contacts and location


Not included

company facebook


Gunma-ken Isesaki-shi Yattajima-cho1588-18 Asahiya Heights 1F-AB

Contact numbers


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